Mark Levin's Recommendation To Israel Defense Force | Arlington National Cemetery
November 5, 2023
Dear Ms. Lunelle,
Very few times will Yankees discuss Lincoln's Total Warfare Policy levied upon the South.
However, Mark Levin, on his syndicated television program on Saturday, November 4, 2023, would offer to the Jewish Defense Force the advice that they should conduct the war on Hamas the same way the Army of the Potomac under the Command of the greatest Commanding Chief in United States History (Lincoln) had done with his total warfare policy issued to General Sherman: to burned, rob, rape, murder and ransack his way to the sea.
He continued, not to forget to do as General Ulysses Grant did when he blockaded Vicksburg, Mississippi; refusing to allow food or medical supplies to enter the City as the civilians and Confederate forces were starved to the point of eating dogs, mule meat, and rats to survive until a complete surrender was achieved.
Mr. Levin, are you aware that the 20,000 Jews who fought in the Southern Confederacy under the Command of the great President Jefferson Davis and leadership of the Honorable General Robert E. Lee would never have condoned Lincon’s tactics be employed by the Southern Armed Forces on the against the civilian population of the invading Army?
This again leads us to the Reconciliation Cenotaph in Arlington National Cemetery. William McKinley, a decent Yankee Veteran who saw and participated in what Lincoln's Army did to the people of the South, and now as President, was amazed at the patriotic valor that soldiers displayed as they fought alongside former combatants who had committed uncivilized atrocities upon their families. He surely did not forget the act deemed illegal by the United States Supreme Court when the US Army seized the property of a fine old American family, and the shrine to one of America's founding heroes, George Washington, the Custis Arlington estate so now desecrated with burial of Union soldiers that Mary and Robert Lee's son would sell the property at a price below its worth with full knowledge that his father had vowed he would not visit again. However, Lee was a great champion of reconciliation and he wanted the people of the south to forgive.
President McKinley believed that a National wrong was being played out at Arlington. He authorized the re-burial of Confederate Veterans at Section 16 and went to the United Daughters of the Confederacy with a request that they build a Memorial Shrine to the Confederate Veterans to mark their graves. The Daughters refused. They feared the fate of Confederate soldier graves in Yankee army hands and wanted re-burial in Hollywood Cemetery in Virginia. They had not forgotten the atrocities committed by the Army of the Potomac on the South.
McKinley's sincere pleading for forgiveness and a path to American healing through a memorial for reconciliation won them over. The Daughters finally relented and chose the famous, world-renowned Jewish Sculptor (a Jewish Confederate Veteran) Moses Ezekiel to complete this Charge. And he did to the applause of many Commanding Chiefs who all verbalized it to be a Shrine forever be seen by the Nation not only marking the graves of the Southern dead but would signal to the world America’s re-unification and be a lasting symbol of reconciliation between the peoples of the North and South.
Moses would proclaim this to be his greatest work. After his death, he would be buried at the base of the Cenotaph.
And here now in the 21st century, this modern version of the Army of the Potomac is reasserting its Total War strategy with the utter destruction of this Reconciliation Shrine.
The result can be nothing less than upending the long-standing message of fraternal harmony that the Reconciliation Shrine consecrated. And not to forget that it is the ONLY integrated entity in the whole of this National Military Cemetery… with the stench of Anti-Semitism with a Constitution and Southern hating Senator Elizabeth Warren chosen to lead the charge. God bless you!
Your brother,
Chairman of the Board of Advisors Emeritus, Southern Legal Resource Center
Member, Save Southern Heritage Florida
Member, Judah P Benjamin Camp 2210 Sons of Confederate Veterans
Honorary Life Member, Augustus Jane Evans Chapter 2640 United Daughters of the Confederacy
Honorary Life Member, Jackson Rangers Camp 1917 Sons of Confederate Veterans
Honorary Associate Member, Abner Baker Chapter 14 United Daughters of the Confederacy
President Southern Heritage 411
Veterans Defending Arlington